L298n motor driver
L298n motor driver

l298n motor driver

Serial.println("Motors are on full speed now")

l298n motor driver

Serial.println("Gradually increase motors speed to max") Serial.println("Motors are stopped now") Set PWM & direction pins to output for both motor


Some explanatory messages has been added to be able to debug the process in serial monitor. IncreaseMotorsSpeed() function gradually increases the speed for both motors.ĭecreaseMotorsSpeed() function gradually decreases the speed for both motors. The L298N is an integrated monolithic circuit. SendToMotorB() function wraps pin information for motor B. The L298N H-bridge module can be used with motors that have a voltage between 5 and 35V DC. SendToMotorA() function wraps pin information for motor A. Loop() main function tests motors speed and switch direction. Setup() function marks necessary pins as output and initialize motors with default values. We've defined a struct (called motor) which will represent the speed and the direction for each motor. The code is quite simple and it does not require any external library to work. We are using 9V battery and the jumper is in place, so we can use +5V pin to power the Arduino too.

l298n motor driver

Having a solid understanding of each pin and how the module works we can proceed with the wiring.ĮNA and ENB are connected to the Arduino Nano PWM pins and IN1/IN2/IN3/IN4 to common digital pins. With 12V power supply the motors will receive approximately 10V which means that we won't be able to get the maximum speed. Take into consideration that the L298N module has voltage drop of approximately 2V. Without jumper: the regulator is disabled and +5V pin acts as input, expecting 5V to be supplied. Note: with power supply greater than 12V the jumper must be removed to prevent damage to the onboard regulator. It is powerful enough to drive motors from 5-35V at up to 2A peak.


It can be used to power an Arduino or other circuitry that needs 5V power. It features a powerful L298N motor driver module with a heavy duty heat sink. With jumper: the regulator is enabled and +5V pin acts as output. The module includes 5V regulator that can be enabled/disabled using a jumper: Otherwise the motor will always spin at full speed. If you want to keep the speed control of your motors remove the jumper and connect ENA and/or ENB pins to PWM. Usually the module comes with a jumper on these pins that connects them directly to HIGH value. That means that motor will spin at full speed with HIGH and stop with LOW. The speed control pins ENA and ENB are used to turn on/off the motors and control their speed with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). L298N Stepper DC Motor Driver Expansion Development Board For Arduino DIY Robot Car-l298n motor driver board, l298n motor driver, l298n, l298 driver sale on.

L298n motor driver